Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This may not mean anything to you, but if it does, roll with it.

Current mood: heart-sore

Sometimes, things happen to people, and they don't understand. I have a very close friend whose girlfriend just dumped him, out of the blue. I know it hurt him. And if you knew him, you'd feel for him. His older brother, in his defense, but of his own accord, spoke very harshly to the girl at her birthday shindig, to try to get her where it hurts. You could tell by the way he said it last just before he slammed the door, HARD, that he had planned out his vengeance. Meanhwile, his jilted, and now embarrassed brother had to make the call to apologize.

When things happen that cause your bosom to fill with a strong emotion, does it make you stronger, to vent it? No.

These past few weeks I've had a lot to think about, and a lot of things I have tried not to think about. But the ability to sit still and let the extremes of various emotions wash over me, as I sit calmly waiting, has been refreshing and maturing.

Waiting for what, you say? Waiting on someone you have heard of before. I have told you about a special someone I have come to love over the last year or so, someone some of you know. That someone is God. More amazing in any way is the God you will find if you test Him in earnest. I say this now with a full and bleeding heart.

Funny, how things seem more worthy of the telling when life has meaning. Here is what I am talking about: it is good to wait silently. On the flip side, it would be easy to succumb to the whelming waterlevels of emotions, whose currents tug at our sleeves and loosen our footholds. But then what would we be? Not women and men, but provocative animals. There is but one way to "get over" a split relationship, and bitterness is not a part of it. Cold regret and self-protective resentment do nothing to heal. They rot the bones of the bitter, and hurt the person who receives the brunt of the attitude. Abandon your anger, and put your cheek to the dust. Perhaps there is hope.

This is my new blog, a sort of journal of events since several have mentioned that they don't know what is going on in my sphere of existence and influence.

Currently listening:
You in Reverse
By Built to Spill
Release date: By 11 April, 2006

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